Sales Tool

CEOs: Hire us as your External Sales Team

Sales is Team Sport.

Together we close more opportunities by creating and perfecting your sales process. Using technology and tools we beat your competition. Guaranteed.

Your Business's Lifeline is Sales

Profile card for a person's quote

"Doing Sales is tough. Without the support of great Sales people it's nearly impossible, one needs to work as a team. Also, when it comes to sales tools and technology, these guys really have a lot of knowledge which helps a lot."

Dave Rubio

How we work


We believe that visualising your sales funnel is key. Make it easy to see what opportunities are at what stage and make everyone accountable. No more dropping the ball!


Email is an important way of communicating so capturing conversations via email should be easy peasy. We'll set it up.


We work with you to create and update all the important sales tools like elevator pitch, PPT templates, white papers and so on.

Simple Pricing Plans

Hire us

1 Resource

Base $/€ 3000 p month
Comission 15%
Minimum 1 month

2 Resources

Base $/€ 5000 p month
Comission 20%
Minimum 6 month

Whatever CRM you are using - and if you don't have one, we'll find one that is suited - it's all about the sales process.

Your product or service is great, that's a given, but are you maximising your revenue or leaving money on the table?

We have one goal: Help you sell more.

Drawing showing increased a person and an increasing sales chart

Incoming Leads

Incoming leads are worth their weight in gold. We know how to develop these and capture them (be it through a microsite, a LinkedIn campaign or something offline).

Weekly Sales Meeting

We have a weekly Sales meeting to review the Sales Funnel and plan the next week. We call it iterative selling, step by step we will grow your top line.

We would love to hear from you

Please reach out with any doubt / question / comment / idea / referral. We know it can be lonely when you lead a company and we would love to have a (virtual) coffee chat about business.

We believe in the 2 ears to 1 mouth ratio and spending time and energy talking to customers. We would love to be in touch and learn how we can serve you better:
Get in touch