There isn't one trick that makes an email stick out and get a response. Each CEO is unique so what works for one, doesn't necessarily work for another one.
However, as we (cold) email CEOs everyday and have clients who do the same we have some experience.
Let's assume you have identified a potential client, the first step in the sales process: Suspect
Get to the point. Your audience has a short attention span and if you pad your email with superfluos words (Ed: like this article?) then the likelyhood of getting ignored is increased. If in doubt, cut those words out.
Count the number of "we" and "I" you have in an email. It's normal to have at least one or two (you need to introduce yourself of course) but be aware that as soon as they figured out who you are you need to talk about what you can do for them.
As literally anyone could be emailing your suspect, you need to create a sense of reputation. That could be that you worked with a company that they know (their competitor or partner) or maybe you have a common connection. Something they can relate to.
This could be as simple as saying Hoi (Dutch) or Hej (Swedish) or Hola (Spanish) depending on the background of your suspect or referring to their city (or yours), for example ("I understand that you are based in Paris, maybe we can meet for a coffee next time I'm in town.").
Everybody has their own style, don't try and copy someone elses or use words that you didn't write. Being yourself will make it easier for the follow-up conversation as you will be consistent and don't need to play a role.
They don't have to respond to you, especially if they don't know you, it's not at all impolite if they don't. We tend to write one quick follow-up email (even shorter than the original one) a week or so after the first email, that's it. And never add them to an email list!
Maybe this should be Tip 1 - what are you trying to achieve by emailing the CEO? Probably a call or Microsoft Teams meeting. Or a coffee get together or whatever. You are not going to sell your service / product in that first email. You are just selling yourself that there is something of interest to learn more about.
Forward important emails (or bcc) to your CRM so that it's visible to all.
Please get in touch - we would love to talk!