Sales Tool

Integrating Slack with Sales Tool

Not all team members login to Sales Tool everyday but still need to be in the know, so Sales Tool integrates with Slack to keep everyone informed.

We internally use Slack quite a bit and this is where a lot of our communication happens. It's safe to say that Slack is one of those "always open" apps, at least during working hours.

So integrating Sales Tool with Slack makes sense, our clients asked for this as we can inform users in Slack when something important happened in Sales Tool. What is important? Whenever a new opportunity is created. As soon as that happens we send a message to your Slack with a link to the opportunity.

We decided not to send every note which is added in Sales Tool to Slack as this would quickly turn into noise (for the ones that have experience in integrating other apps and services with Slack probably know exactly what that means). We use our development philosophy of "less is more" here as well.

Integrating couldn't be easier, in your company settings you just need to add the webhook from Slack and choose which channel we should post to. To create a webhook in Slack just head over here and copy and paste the URL ( into the text field in company settings in Sales Tool:

What about other apps, aside from Slack?

Microsoft Teams will probably be next. We started using that more and more lately but we really want to hear from you, what you would like us to work on. Which tool is your "always on tool" that you would like Sales Tool to talk to?

This app has one goal: Help you sell more.

Please get in touch - we would love to talk!

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