Sales Tool

What a Sales Tool Box is and why it helps you sell consulting services

A Sales Tool Box is a place where you keep your tools handy that you need in your sales and marketing process.

The most important tool (the phillips screwdriver) is your elevator pitch. You need to be able to describe what value your audience is receiving through your offering, otherwise you will sell very little.

One of the biggest flaws when selling is to think that adding another detail to the pitch adds value. It actually distracts value!

You should keep it to two / three short sentences, use simple language, avoid exaggeration or superlatives. The most important outcome of delivering your elevator pitch is that your audience understands what you can do for them. The value is created in their head, but if it’s not clear what it is you do, or there are several things you could do for them then they will nor be able to make the link and understand the value that you provide for them.

One of the best ways to make sure that your pitch is spot on is to ask people how they would describe your offering to someone. How other people talk about your offering might even give you a better wording than you thought of yourself. In any case it will validate that your elevator pitch is understandable.

Another tool in your Sales Tool Box is your generic presentation, maybe a short version and a longer version but you need to have your presentation at hand.

This app has one goal: Help you sell more.

Please get in touch - we would love to talk!

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