Sales Tool

Why talking too much kills Sales

Know when you should zip it

It happens in so many Sales meeting that it's probably the most important tip we can give you: Know when to shut up, and embrace some awkward silence.[1]

From your clients perspective and perception, a great Sales meeting is when he or she felt understood, their problem was identified and a solution that they are comfortable with (better a solution they feel they own) has been described. This can only happen if you give your client enough air time.

If you do end up talking too much, it's probably down to nerves. Those nerves will go away with time, anything is a bit daunting if you don't have experience. If you are experienced and talk a lot - do you actually sell a lot? Reach out if you do, we are genuinely are curious.

Let's say you would like to work on how much you talk. We've mentioned before that we were given a ratio of 2:1, two ears to one mouth. Here are some tips to prevent you from talking yourself out of a Sale!

When preparing for the meeting, think about 3 things:

  1. What is the one thing you want your prospect or client to take away?
  2. Where in a conversation can you ask what type of question?
  3. How can you end the meeting with the prospect or client doing the talking?

To 1. This is the toughest, as it's natural for us to expand, and everything is important. Well news for you, if everything is important, then nothing is. So bite your tongue and pick one and run with it.

To 2. Good questions are priceless, typically these are question which are open (what, how), whenever a client asks you a good question, make a note of it and say, a client asked me the following... What do you think?

To 3. They should define what you do and how your solution solves their problem. That's the holy grail. So ask them to summarise and make sure you understood them correctly while you make notes.

You are not the police doing an interrogation but you can hone your questioning skills, you will see results!

[1] Silence is golden, awkward silence doesn't have to be awkward just start making some notes.

This app has one goal: Help you sell more.

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