Sales Tool

Sales with out a Sales Process is a lottery

Lottery might not sound bad, most people probably think about ‘Are you saying there is a chance?’ but everyone also knows that the odds are stacked against you.

But in business the only way to thrive is to make sure that your odds are stacked in your favour.

That’s what you do everyday, deliver on promises, create a reputation, think how you can help your clients, invest in marketing your offering (offering could be product or services or both), negotiating with suppliers and clients.

Most businesses fail because they ‘starve in front of the fridge’, revenue is a business' lifeline, without cash to be able to maintain your business you will ultimately need to close down.

If that is down to not creating enough value then that is what it is and normal. So normal that we have a date of death for all the startups we invest in, better to end something that doesn’t work and try something different.

But if you are creating value, give your clients a good ROI, why aren’t you selling enough?

How many opportunities did you have in the last 6 months? How many of those opportunities did you move to the Decision stage? How many times did you drop the ball and lost a deal because you didn’t make it easy for someone to buy your offering?

That is why sales tools exist to help you. You may currently use Excel or Google Sheets or have another Sales Tool / CRM that is hardly used.

Give Sales Tool a chance to help you sell more, create a free account and if you need premium features* (more than one user, own email subdomain) upgrade at any time. Delete your account and all data anytime (we personally hate companies who make that difficult).

This app has one goal: Help you sell more.

Please get in touch - we would love to talk!

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